● Loud snoring
Don’t consider snoring as a natural part of aging. Snoring is commonly associated with sleep disorder mainly, obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea should be considered if snoring accompanied with any of the following symptoms are present.
● Frequent morning headaches
They are a clear sign of improper quality of sleep. These kinds of headaches are caused by the reduced oxygen level due to the intermittent cessation of breathing during night. This causes widening of blood vessels that initiate vascular headaches.
● Frequent daytime tiredness and sleepiness
Excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue is the most common and frequent overlooked symptom of sleep apnea.
All the interruptions and pauses of sleep reduce the quality and quantity of a good night’s sleep, which eventually leads to daytime tiredness.
● Frequent awakenings and night time urination
Studies have shown that if the patient wakes up frequently, they will sense the pressure as the need to urinate.
● Mood swings
A person’s mood and quality of sleep are interconnected. Lack of quality sleep can lead to irritability; short temper, anxiety and can eventually trigger depression.
● Obesity
Obese people are more likely to have sleep apnea due to too much of fat build up around the circumference of the throat. The excess tissues can fall back into the airways during sleep, which can cause airway obstruction leading to apnea events.